Lockport Express Medical

The Convenience in Medical Care … We’re here when you need us … Caring, Quick, Compassionate : Open Every Day

Swift, Quality Care: Lockport Express Medical Urgent Care for Busy Professionals

Swift, Quality Care: Lockport Express Medical Urgent Care for Busy Professionals

Did you know that scheduling conflicts and long waits are among the top frustrations for Americans seeking medical care? According to a survey by US News and World Report, almost 32% of Americans find difficulty in scheduling doctor appointments or remembering to book them.

Almost all of us have faced this, and before we know it, things just get worse. Meet Jeff Moore, a dedicated commercial real estate agent, who experienced the same struggle due to his demanding schedule throughout the week. Driven by his dedication and the need for an additional stream of income to provide for his kid’s college education, Jeff also worked on weekends as a residential real estate broker, catering to clients looking for sales help to sell various residential homes in the city.

With long hours daily on his feet, standing and walking with clients, Jeff started feeling fatigue in his knees. One weekend, the knee pain, initially a minor inconvenience, quickly escalated, and the discomfort became excruciatingly unbearable. 

Jeff tried scheduling an appointment with his PCP but got a waiting time of 2 weeks. With no choice, he had to rely on over-the-counter painkillers. While this is not uncommon with those with demanding careers like Jeff, long wait times for PCP appointments are actually challenging.

The relief was temporary, but not enough. Jeff’s condition worsened over time, causing him extreme physical pain as well as mental stress as he needed to prepare for a big meeting coming up next Monday. 

Let’s find out how Jeff managed to find effective and urgent medical attention on time!

Turning Pain into Productivity: Jeff’s Quick Recovery with Lockport Express Medical

Despite his knee pain, Jeff got ready to go to work on Monday morning. The meeting would likely turn into a big deal for his company, and he was very excited. 

He popped a painkiller before leaving for work. 

Jeff’s office was just a few blocks away, and he started walking the way he did everyday. But he had to slow down, as the knee pain was only getting worse. Soon, he felt he wouldn’t be able to walk anymore. 

Thankfully, a kind passerby woman saw that Jeff was suddenly limping and offered to help him walk to a bench. Jeff kept walking slowly. Seeing his condition, she suggested that he needs to see a doctor urgently, and that Lockport Express Medical was nearby and would not take him more than 15 minutes to reach and see a doctor immediately, and the urgent care is also open till extended hours.

Jeff glanced at his watch, knowing time was slipping away. The client meeting was in just a couple of hours. 

His mind raced. Should he risk losing the client? Or try to make it to the meeting despite the pain? 

Jeff’s struggle was real! His only alternative was to visit the ER as his pain worsened, but that would mean incurring substantial expenses and taking time to get release.

Moreover, he didn’t want to miss his big chance at success. But his knees weren’t supporting his cause!

Jeff decided to try Lockport Express Medical, and in the next 10 minutes, he was there, owing to their convenient location on the expressway.

He was attended to in just 5 minutes and the senior doctor suspected a case of tendinitis. 

The Busy Professional’s Choice: Quick, Quality Care at Lockport Express Medical

As Jeff was in a hurry, the doctor gave him a dose of Ketorolac, conducted an X-ray, and set him up for the next steps of treatment. He was recommended to return the following week for a Kenalog injection in the knee, precisely targeting the location of the pain, by using Ultrasound guidance.

This method of treatment, which promises months of relief instead of just days, distinguishes Lockport Express Medical from the average practitioner.

Jeff got immediate relief and was back in time for his meeting. Feeling much better as the effect of the medicine was much longer than painkillers, Jeff was at his best and closed the deal successfully!

Let’s understand why Lockport Express Medical is a great choice when it comes to urgent medical attention for busy professionals like Jeff. 

Lockport Express Medical stands out as the best choice of urgent care that provides

  • Walk-in service, every day of the year, including weekends, and holidays, enabling busy people like Jeff to drop in any day of the week
  • Extended hours of operations assisting patients even after normal working hours
  • Urgent care in 45 minutes, from the moment you walk in, get treated and leave.
  • With over 65 years of combined experience in emergency medicine and comprehensive on-site medical test facilities, the team ensures patients receive accurate, high-quality care for a wide range of conditions, including asthma, allergies, and migraines.

Additionally, unlike expensive emergency room visits, Lockport Express Medical is an affordable option for both insurance holders and non-insurance holders.

Lockport Express Medical: Better, Faster and Easier Solution to Urgent Medical Needs

An extremely busy professional like Jeff walks into Lockport Express Medical with excruciating joint pain and walks out with the relief he had been longing for, but also the next steps to his diagnosis. Not having to choose between his career and health on a critical day, Jeff thanked his stars and Lockport Express Medical.

Unlike PCP appointments with long wait times and inconvenient hours, or costly ER visits, Lockport Express Medical provides immediate care with experienced doctors, accurate diagnoses, and prompt medication—all in just 45 minutes. Conveniently located on the expressway, you can simply walk in and get the care you need without disrupting your busy schedule. 

Take control of your health and time, just like Jeff did, and experience the quick, reliable service at Lockport Express Medical. No need to compromise your work or personal life—get back on your feet faster and easier.

Call us at 815-588-1111!

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